| GRAPHICS good | GAMEPLAY good | MOVEMENT good | RATING: 7 |
| PROS: multiple skill sets, hidden quests, boat sail, you can climb ladders and poles |
| CONS: lots of limitations on free players, can't cast some skills on the move, need 40Gb |
|RESEMBLES: WoW, Age of Wushu| |KEYWORD: justice, labor, craft-claim-conquer | |IT'S A: must play|
|WEB: http://www.archeagegame.com/en/ |
|GAMEPLAY VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y87PAQbRDwA |
After character customization, gender chosing, and a brief introduction / tutorial you get to choose the faction that you will follow:
Nuia - Nuian or Elf
Haranya - Firran or Harani
There is also a couple of planned that has not yet playable races:
The Warborn
ArcheAge features built over 100 Classes from 10 skillsets. After Reaching level 10, you can combine any three skillsets to make a unique class. You can swap in and out to change skillsets. Classes as often as you like, with no predefined path to follow:
Primary Skillsets:
This specialization includes Powerful blows, inflicting devastating damage, as well as Methods of buffing the warrior and weaken His enemies.
By choosing this path, the hero Will have access to devastating spells cause damage to elements That one or more enemies.
This path of development Will the hero make a skilled archer and ranger.
This path of development Will the hero make a skilled healer That can save Lives and Themselves and associates.
If the hero chooses this path, He Will Be subject to all the mysteries of the underworld.
Those who choose the path of secrecy Will Be Sudden and clever killers in Possession of year arsenal of clever tricks.
Support Skillsets:
A warrior who chooses this path of development Will become a master of Defense Techniques.
A hero who has Chosen Path Will this move instantly on the battlefield using Teleportation, while remaining virtually invulnerable to magical attacking enemies.
Skills of the school Directly Affect the mind of allies and enemies.
This specialization encourages fighters with the sounds of the lute or the Lyre.
ArcheAge features 21 different crafting professions:
Alchemy, Metalwork, Cooking, Leatherworking, Weaponry, Tailoring, Handicrafts, Carpentry, Construction, Machining, Husbandry, Farming, Masonry, Gathering, Logging, Mining, Printing, Fishing, Larceny, Composition, Commerce.
Almost Every craft based, non quest Labor costs action points to performance. The cost can be as small as 1 to 2 points for small things like picking flowers and several dozen large as for more advanced actions like buildings. Points Labor has gained / Refilled over time. A non-premium user will gain 5 points per 5 minutes of play. A premium member will gain 10 points and 5 points every 5 minutes every five minutes while offline. Increasing the level of mastery in the skill offers benefits Such as increased speed action, decreased Labor Costs, and mass production of items in addition to the regular on increase craftable items.
Crafting is done at special place in every city, and it give lvl experience like GW2.
EQUIPMENTS AND WEAPONSAlchemy, Metalwork, Cooking, Leatherworking, Weaponry, Tailoring, Handicrafts, Carpentry, Construction, Machining, Husbandry, Farming, Masonry, Gathering, Logging, Mining, Printing, Fishing, Larceny, Composition, Commerce.
Almost Every craft based, non quest Labor costs action points to performance. The cost can be as small as 1 to 2 points for small things like picking flowers and several dozen large as for more advanced actions like buildings. Points Labor has gained / Refilled over time. A non-premium user will gain 5 points per 5 minutes of play. A premium member will gain 10 points and 5 points every 5 minutes every five minutes while offline. Increasing the level of mastery in the skill offers benefits Such as increased speed action, decreased Labor Costs, and mass production of items in addition to the regular on increase craftable items.
Crafting is done at special place in every city, and it give lvl experience like GW2.
Equipment and weapons don't fall as drop, just as quest reward, bought from special NPC's or from AH.
Any class can wear any type of armor, it's not like in most of the mmo games where the priest can only wear cloth armor and the tank only plate, you can wear any type of armor in ArcheAge independently from the class you choose. Any class can equip any type of weapon, but not all weapon types offer stats that will benefit all classes.
There are even musical instruments:
Lute: Bonuses available: intelligence, spirit. Buff: Gives health
Flute: Bonuses available: stamina, intelligence. Buff: Gives Hand
Drum: Bonuses available: force, agility.
You can swap weapons during battle, at the cost of 2 seconds cooldown. There are armor sets and Honor Weapons. Equipment and weapons can be crafted and upgraded (not in this stage of the game) with enhancements: moonstones. At blacksmith npc, you can repair damaged items and you can fuse the stats of one item with the appearance of another. Tempering burnish rol the item basic stats.
Any class can wear any type of armor, it's not like in most of the mmo games where the priest can only wear cloth armor and the tank only plate, you can wear any type of armor in ArcheAge independently from the class you choose. Any class can equip any type of weapon, but not all weapon types offer stats that will benefit all classes.
There are even musical instruments:
Lute: Bonuses available: intelligence, spirit. Buff: Gives health
Flute: Bonuses available: stamina, intelligence. Buff: Gives Hand
Drum: Bonuses available: force, agility.
You can swap weapons during battle, at the cost of 2 seconds cooldown. There are armor sets and Honor Weapons. Equipment and weapons can be crafted and upgraded (not in this stage of the game) with enhancements: moonstones. At blacksmith npc, you can repair damaged items and you can fuse the stats of one item with the appearance of another. Tempering burnish rol the item basic stats.
Bag and warehouse (at warehouse manager in every city), you can upgrade with "expansion scrols" bought from Market Place with real money.
AH (auction house)
Yes. At the Auctioneer npc. If you are f2p, then you need to buy the rights to sell items.
Yes. Somewhere around lvl 6-7 as a quest reward, but those and others are also available from various Merchants or as rare rewards. Mounts are babies, and you'll need to raise and care for them until they grow into a suitable companion. Once grown to adult, mounts can be summoned into the world. They act like a separate character: have their own health bar, stats, experience and level, slots for equipment, and collision. You can ride your mount or have them follow you around. Also mounts have different abilities that has gained and used while you're riding. They will also be attacked by hostile mobs or players.
Yes. Somewhere around lvl 23-24 as a quest reward. Battle Pets, or Combat Pets are pets with offensive and / or defensive abilities that may assist the player in battle.
Almost Every mount and pet in ArcheAge boosting state can have special gear equipped.
Yes. Somewhere around lvl 6-7 as a quest reward, but those and others are also available from various Merchants or as rare rewards. Mounts are babies, and you'll need to raise and care for them until they grow into a suitable companion. Once grown to adult, mounts can be summoned into the world. They act like a separate character: have their own health bar, stats, experience and level, slots for equipment, and collision. You can ride your mount or have them follow you around. Also mounts have different abilities that has gained and used while you're riding. They will also be attacked by hostile mobs or players.
Yes. Somewhere around lvl 23-24 as a quest reward. Battle Pets, or Combat Pets are pets with offensive and / or defensive abilities that may assist the player in battle.
Almost Every mount and pet in ArcheAge boosting state can have special gear equipped.
ArcheAge allows players to build and own property, sandbox stile. That Means it's in the main game world for everyone to see:
On Mirage Island players may purchase blueprints for several styles and sizes of houses. Players have the option also creating an ocean side of marine style.
Player receive their first farm from a very early quest in the game. After construction players may use to grow plants off their lot and / or raise animals.
Big Guilds may consider to build a castle / guild house, to build a castle of guild. Guildies will have to work together because it requires a lot of materials and time.
You can decorate your building with decor items and furniture. Every week the property owners have to prepay taxes on each lot they own. Tax payments is done via in-game mail.
Yes. Costumes: prisoner, miner,etc
LVL 50 (CBT).
PVP (Player vs Player)
Inner Faction pvp: Dueling (one versus one), Murder (for members of the same faction to attack and kill each other in areas of conflict / war. Murdering members of your own faction unprovoked will result in the gain of Criminal Points. Players dying with over 50 points will be sent to prison).
Cross Faction pvp: It is Possible for members of Opposing Factions to attack and kill each other in any areas that is not currently in the "Truce" states (above lvl 30).
DUNGEONSCross Faction pvp: It is Possible for members of Opposing Factions to attack and kill each other in any areas that is not currently in the "Truce" states (above lvl 30).
Palace Cellar in Mahadevi is the first dungeon playable at lvl 20-25 in 3 players group.
Yes. Guild has its own building. In addition to traditional Guilds, ArcheAge also features the Family System. In many ways the Family is designed similar to the Guild but for smaller knit groups of players; ranging from 2 to 8 people. The family system runs parallel to the guild system, meaning you can be in both the family and guild. Family members share property rights, allowing members full access to houses and farms.GHILD
ArcheAge is a Korean giant fantasy sandbox mmorpg. The landscape of this game is beautiful and detailed. Questing is optional. Farming is a very nice system with a wide variety of stuff you can grow, the different climates that affect the growth rate of the crop, and the fact that you can make money, make it a great part of the game. Transportation sistem is big and funn: mounts, gliders, ships, carriages, airships, trains, portals. A highly developed Social System: family, crimes, theft, judge, trial, verdict, prison (some minutes). The subscription based content (LP system, buy with real money content, buy game time, buy diferent items from Marketplace), unbalance the gameplay.
Trade Runs it's a great way to make gold, trade items for profit in far away places. You can construct a "speed boat" that offers fast travel across the water, and can come with either a harpoon or a cannon. The harpoon can be used in a fun way. ;) On the Trade Runs your boat can be attacked by pirates while crossing the open sea. There are pirates in ArcheAge, players who have accumulated enough murder points to be kicked out from their own faction and be left in the pirate faction. Then those pirates have taking part in the act of pirating, stealing someone else's cargo.
ArcheAge has a very good housing system. You're only allowed to build houses in certain areas and you have to be a premium player to do that.
Once you get in the 30-50 range, you'll begin questing in "War Zones" where players of the opposite faction can attack you. Some of the best resource spawns is only available in those zones, so you have to be prepared!
The LP System is a controversial feature. If you want max LP, for 15$ a month, so you can craft and farm with no problems it's ok. If you do not want to pay anything, then you have limited, but you can still do almost everything the game has to offer.
I feel that certain areas need improvement: cutscenes, player creation, loot connected to LP System, experience connected to LP System (I have lost count on how many "quests" I did and still at level 17. Doh, if you buy the "Founders Pack" using LP for exp + boost, within 2-3 days you can reach max level). But still, fastest way to lvl has quests. Then there is mining, and crafting, but only if you have Labor Points. Everything you do in the game gives experience, like GW2.
The game is possible to be one of the best mmorpg's due to the sandbox elements. It's a great hybrid of a sandbox and themepark mmorpg and has a unique way to play and use combo attacks, with very nice skills. I really like the ability to have a ranged and melee weapon active at one time. Housing system, social system, crafting and trading, boat sailing, make ArcheAge to be a different mmorpg that you looking for, if you have the disposition to spend real money.
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