| GRAPHICS good | GAMEPLAY good | MOVEMENT good | RATING: 9 |
| PROS: gameplay, graphic, content, dinamic events, weapon skills sistem, PvP, WvsW |
| CONS: uncustomizable interface, high system requirements, lag at big events |
|RESEMBLES: ?| |KEYWORD: Karma, Dinamic Events, Laurel | |IT'S A: must play|
|WEB: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/|
|GAMEPLAY VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax-_06Acj8Y |
Starting place and personal story change depending on choice of race. This selection will have also an effect on how NPC's interact with your character. Each race has access to specific race - skills:
Race also defines the character's appearance, and have unique physical features to adjust and alter, such as Charr horns and Norn tattoos. the chosen race also has an effect on the visual scaling of weapons in size.
Soldiers (frontline fighters, heavy armors, heavy damage in direct combat):
Adventurers (midline fighters, medium armors, ranged weapons, flexible combatants):
Scholars (backline fighters, light armors, versatility, adaptability):
There are eight different crafting disciplines, only two of wich can be active at a time on each character.

You can craft only at designated stations, wich are located in every city and major outposts. Recipes allow you to view the combination of ingredients needed to create an item. You can access new recipes by reaching the appropiate crafting level, though you may need to first learn the recipe through discovery or a recipe sheet. To make an item, you must have the appropiate materials in your inventory, bank, or collections. These materials may be gathered, looted, salvaged, or crafted.
You can get them from mobs, as a quests reward, from merchants npc and from AH. Armor, weapons, trinkets, and back items can be upgraded with special types of items for aditional benefits: jewels, gemstones, runes, sigils, and infusions (used for ascended items(
The Mystic Forge is a crafting station with access points in various locations. the Mystic Forge can be used to combine four items of equipment into one item of equal or higher quality. the mechanics of item combination depends on what kind of items are being combined.
The Mystic Forge is a crafting station with access points in various locations. the Mystic Forge can be used to combine four items of equipment into one item of equal or higher quality. the mechanics of item combination depends on what kind of items are being combined.
Armor and weapon colour:
Basic lvl 1-80,
Finelvl 1-80,
Masterwork lvl 14-80,
Rare lvl 35-80,
Exotic lvl 62-80,
Ascended lvl 80,
Legendarylvl 80+.
Inventory-Bags, from NPC, from AH or from crafting.
bank), ghild storage and crafting storage (collections).

AH (auction house)
TC window on the right tab, have several categories:
Gem Store: buy items with gems ( real money and / or in game money 

converts to "Currency Exchange" in gems
Currency Exchange: Exchange money game for gems or vice versa
Trading Post: buy and sell items, equipment, weapons using in-game money (acronyms : TP or AH - Auction House )
- Use the search filter by category , lvl and rarity (colour)
- Back packs are difficult to search, because there is no category on menu, if you are looking for such items must use the following words : spineguard , brace , or back splice
- Sword of Flame or Radiate Light, Purple Shield, all the new weapons that looks incredible, all they can be searched at TP using the word: skin (of course there are very rare weapons that can not be found in TP)
My Transactions: a list of your items on sale
Yes only Pets. Pets can be summon (Utility or Elite Skills and Skills) based on race, but for a limited time:
Hounds of Balthazar, golems, Gizmo, or you can transform (some races) into various animals (wolf, bear, leopard, raven, etc). There is a collection of pet called Miniature - Mini pets not fight with you.
Miniatures: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Miniature
Ranger can charm and summon pets. This pets can help the ranger in fighting mobs.
Hounds of Balthazar, golems, Gizmo, or you can transform (some races) into various animals (wolf, bear, leopard, raven, etc). There is a collection of pet called Miniature - Mini pets not fight with you.
Miniatures: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Miniature
Yes. Outfits from "BLT Cash Shop". A fashion system named Wardrobe that is a system which allow players to customize the appearance of their equipment, both weapons and armor. Using Transmutation Stones and skins.
ARMOR SKINS: http://argos-soft.net/GW2/ArmorGallery/
WEAPON SKINS: http://dulfy.net/category/gw2/weapon-skins/
There are colors (dyes) are used to color the armor. From the start you get a set of basic colors, but there are various other colors, even colors rare that you can find from killing monsters (loot), from gathering crafting materials, can be bought from AH, or can be craft.ARMOR SKINS: http://argos-soft.net/GW2/ArmorGallery/
WEAPON SKINS: http://dulfy.net/category/gw2/weapon-skins/
DYE GALERY AND CHAT CODES: http://dulfy.net/2013/12/24/gw2-dye-gallery/
LVL 80
PVP (Player vs Player)
A good structured PvP the main attraction of the game. In PvP and World vs World , equipment and weapons does not matter simply because all statistics are automatically matched in the area. GW2 was the home thought to have no advantage in PvP if you have money and you can buy "the ultimate equipment and weapons ." You can go in PvP at any level, your character is automatically scaled to lvl 80 . WvsW take place on a continent separately where the fight is brought to epic proportions. Sieged castles, controled towers, gates broken, walls knocked down, places to gather useful materials for siege and many many other buildings with strategic value. Catapults, rams and other siege combat and automatic machines can be purchased and used by any player. Machines that players used to conquer castles or fortresses to dominate the entire map. In these battles involved hundreds of players and the battles take place on three different servers. Edge of the Mysts is a special WvsW map.
Dungeons are optional. There are currently nine instances , the minimum level requirements: 30, 40, 50 , 60, 70 , 76 , 78 and 80 . All dungeons, except Fractals of the Mists, have two modes: a story mode which focuses on Destiny Edge story and a explore mode, much more difficult, requiring more coordination to play (this mode is unlocked after completing the first one). Each party mode allows up to five players.
Mini - dungeons you find on the whole map .
Jumping puzzles - requiring greater ability to jump and a lot of patience .
The dungeons are quite heavy, but can be completed with a good party and the received rewards and experience are acceptable. Dungeons are marked on the map and are easy to find.
Fractals of the Mists is a special dungeon, which consists of a series of mini - dungeons called fractals. Any player can come anytime in this instance, it is automatically scaled to lvl 80 , but it is recommended experience.
FRACTALS GUIDE: http://www.guildwars2hub.com/guides/basics/complete-guide-fractals-mists
FRACTALS ADVANCED GUIDE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USZJAEBZ0oM
Advance Guild System, with Guild Missions and rewards. Player, participating in various activities, events and quests, earning points for the guild's (influence). Influence points can be used to purchase upgrades for guild: Architecture (more room in the guild bank), Art of War (various useful buffs WvsW), Economics (buffs that increase karma points, the chance of finding items rare chance to gather more materials crafting) Politics (emblems, the guild armor, weapons guild, etc..). Participating at Guild Missions (once per week) you recieve Guild Commendations Mini - dungeons you find on the whole map .
Jumping puzzles - requiring greater ability to jump and a lot of patience .
The dungeons are quite heavy, but can be completed with a good party and the received rewards and experience are acceptable. Dungeons are marked on the map and are easy to find.
Fractals of the Mists is a special dungeon, which consists of a series of mini - dungeons called fractals. Any player can come anytime in this instance, it is automatically scaled to lvl 80 , but it is recommended experience.
FRACTALS GUIDE: http://www.guildwars2hub.com/guides/basics/complete-guide-fractals-mists
FRACTALS ADVANCED GUIDE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USZJAEBZ0oM
To play this game you have to buy the DVD after which you can play without paying monthly fee. The graphics are great as well as requirements, although you can also play on a weaker configuration, but lose the pleasure of seeing all the details of locations, events, weather ( fog, rain , etc. ) and especially animation skill. Visual experience on this game is a magnificent and because of this you have every reason to upgrade your PC :) system . Graphic details are the artistic climax of the game.
Control character and its movement are very well implemented, and as a bonus, you can use certain skills (or buffs ) on the move, is true that for a limited time.
Mechanics of game with innovative quest sistem: quests are marked on the map with hearts
and include some active and dynamic area in which you carry the completion requirement of the quest. After completion, the quest ends automatically and you receive experience points, money and karma, without the need to go and talk to NPCs, as is done in the classic way of any rpg .
Quests and events and changes dynamically depending on how many players participate. GW2 encourages cooperative play (not necessarily in party), and the reward that consists on: money, loot, points of karma and experience points, is divided between the players who participated in the event. No matter who strikes first on mobs, who strikes last or who is faster when it comes to gathering loot. Everyone is rewarded! Often happened to get into an area where event was at his ending time, and you attack mobs with only two hits, after which you recieve the reward.
Dynamic World Events appear on the map in various locations and often, they lead you to a whole chain of events that ends with a final boss, and reward (items, karma and experience points). While doing these dynamic events, make you to completed some of the requirements of other quests / hearts on map. Therefore, participation in these events, repeated at intervals of time, it is especially beneficial for increasing the level of the character and optaining karma points
(needed for purchasing exotic equipment) .
The combat system and skills are innovative and make it possible to create different fighting styles, according to the preferences of each player. Skills are directly related to the weapons you use and with your class. You can change weapons, magic skills ( fire, water , air , earth ) or pets (if ranger) while fighting at the distance of button touch, thus being possible to combo fighting. For example as a elementalist (mage in classic MMORPGs ), if you fight with a dagger in each hand, you will learn five skill. If you change the main hand dagger for another weapon (eg scepter), you will learn three new skills for slots 1-3. If you change the off -hand dagger for another weapon skills slots 4 and 5 are changed. If you use a staff that is 2hands, then all 5 slots will have new skills.
It is a complex game in wich anyone folds well, according to the preferred style of gameplay (this is the first time in a mmorpg when i whas playing with the magician and used knives instead of staff, since the fighting style was more to my taste, but that only in PvE, because after I reached lvl 80 and entered the WvsW, I found the staff more useful, much AOE ). And there's something broken the mold! The fact that each class can itself do the role of Tank, Dps or Healer, depending on build- adopted (traits talent tree branch). If you get bored of a build or a fighting style, you can radically change everything in exchange for a small fee, using only in-game currency.
One of the strengths of the game, but a little harder to learn / used, is fighting under water. Aquatic fights need other weapons, other skill with their combos. Fighting is different from the land, mainly due to directional dimensions.
Another innovative feature is given by the "battle strategy" after you die. Yes, after your hp 's reached zero, you fall into a state of "recover after death" from which you can revive, depending on the strategy approach (attack , heal , run, etc.), using four skill provided in this state. While you're dead, your location is visible on the map by other players who can come to resurrect you, especially as they will automatically be rewarded with experience points for this good deed ;). Really interesting is that any class can do that,not only the healer like in others mmorpg's. Often happened to be revived in battle, and to return the favor soon after, to the man who put his shoulder in helping me. As more players are involved, the resurrection takes place faster.
On the map, you can find, besides resources, other points of interest such as Vista Points (locations hard to reach, located on the highest peaks of the mountain or under water) places where you can earn points for skill - skill points (here you fight a mob, or complete a riddle, or only manage to get to that location). Skill points can be used in " five talent tree branch " or " Traits ", which is not only that every class is different, but even the same class to be different depending on how you distribute these points. The same happens with the points you use in: Healing Skills, Utility Skills and Elite Skills.
SKILL EDITOR: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/
GW2 motivates you to explore the entire map and even reward you for this. Crafting, exploring, fighting, questing, participation in event sites, even resurecting someone, all contribute to your growth in the level.
Since there is no perfect game, as there is a perfect man, to talk a little about the game minuses. One of the most disturbing aspects is the huge lag in holiday events (Halloween, Christmas,4winds, etc), where you not see the monsters on the map, even if you have a good system and resources ( good graphics card, lot of rams, powerful processor , etc). Another downside is the fact that to use travel points on the map (beam) must pay a fee high enough. A much discussed topic is that at lvl 80, the max lvl content of play is limited and the equipment is modest. I admit that I have not bored yet ! Responsible for this state of affairs are: WvsW , PvP , map completion , all locations JP , dynamic events, and always demanding daily'es and daily achievements (you recieve Laurels
that can be used to purchase ascended accesories). Another fact found is that the game is always compared to WoW, especially in GW2 chat where there are heated discussions that keep long time and that sometimes ends with curses, insults and guild repercutions. But do not forget that those who criticize GW2 do this in GW2 game chat :) .
Whole structure of the game includes almost everything you can find in other MMORPGs currently present on the market, but every chapter find many an innovation or good modulation, easy, logical, practical.
I left for the final, the big advantage of GW2: Black Lion Trading Company (cash sop) that does not unbalance anything in terms of gameplay . If you have money you can only look better, if you want , but you can not buy significant advantages.
There are events where you fight huge dragons: Elder Dragons, events which ends, of course, with rewards in experience and items. There is a fantastic interaction with the environment. Everywhere you find different objects or different weapons that you can use in battle (for a limited time). There are weapons that can be summoned for you, weapons that can be used by any other player.
The ArenaNet improve the game through updates and special events for the holidays. Every two week a new content and new achievemnts to compleet.
After a year
New content every week: equipment, dungeons, minies (companions / pets). I think that is a bit much, even for an average player. Ascended equipment (weapons and armor). It can be craft. The achievements offer good rewards. You can change the look of the equipment with the items obtained with these points. They look even better.
Look of the new ascended equipment is increasingly ugly. I suspect the creeators of lack of imagination or tribute to uglyness. Lag at entry in another map / teleport. Arriving on the new map, pass second until you submit, use the skill-bar or inventory or view the enviromental objects. Sometimes these seconds are important.
LOCATIONS (every wp or poi or jumping puzzle and tutorial how to get to each location):
RESURCES (locations of important resources at each node - you must choose the correct server):
EDITOR/SIMULATOR OF TRAITS (depending on the weapon chosen, race; PvE and / or PvP):
DETAILED TUTORIAL ACHIEVEMENTS (missions and new content, even before they appear ;) ):
ITEMS CODES (text codes of weapons, armor, etc - to preview them in text chat):
http://www.gw2db.com/items/weapons (click on item to open)
Control character and its movement are very well implemented, and as a bonus, you can use certain skills (or buffs ) on the move, is true that for a limited time.
Mechanics of game with innovative quest sistem: quests are marked on the map with hearts
Quests and events and changes dynamically depending on how many players participate. GW2 encourages cooperative play (not necessarily in party), and the reward that consists on: money, loot, points of karma and experience points, is divided between the players who participated in the event. No matter who strikes first on mobs, who strikes last or who is faster when it comes to gathering loot. Everyone is rewarded! Often happened to get into an area where event was at his ending time, and you attack mobs with only two hits, after which you recieve the reward.
Dynamic World Events appear on the map in various locations and often, they lead you to a whole chain of events that ends with a final boss, and reward (items, karma and experience points). While doing these dynamic events, make you to completed some of the requirements of other quests / hearts on map. Therefore, participation in these events, repeated at intervals of time, it is especially beneficial for increasing the level of the character and optaining karma points
The combat system and skills are innovative and make it possible to create different fighting styles, according to the preferences of each player. Skills are directly related to the weapons you use and with your class. You can change weapons, magic skills ( fire, water , air , earth ) or pets (if ranger) while fighting at the distance of button touch, thus being possible to combo fighting. For example as a elementalist (mage in classic MMORPGs ), if you fight with a dagger in each hand, you will learn five skill. If you change the main hand dagger for another weapon (eg scepter), you will learn three new skills for slots 1-3. If you change the off -hand dagger for another weapon skills slots 4 and 5 are changed. If you use a staff that is 2hands, then all 5 slots will have new skills.
It is a complex game in wich anyone folds well, according to the preferred style of gameplay (this is the first time in a mmorpg when i whas playing with the magician and used knives instead of staff, since the fighting style was more to my taste, but that only in PvE, because after I reached lvl 80 and entered the WvsW, I found the staff more useful, much AOE ). And there's something broken the mold! The fact that each class can itself do the role of Tank, Dps or Healer, depending on build- adopted (traits talent tree branch). If you get bored of a build or a fighting style, you can radically change everything in exchange for a small fee, using only in-game currency.
One of the strengths of the game, but a little harder to learn / used, is fighting under water. Aquatic fights need other weapons, other skill with their combos. Fighting is different from the land, mainly due to directional dimensions.
Another innovative feature is given by the "battle strategy" after you die. Yes, after your hp 's reached zero, you fall into a state of "recover after death" from which you can revive, depending on the strategy approach (attack , heal , run, etc.), using four skill provided in this state. While you're dead, your location is visible on the map by other players who can come to resurrect you, especially as they will automatically be rewarded with experience points for this good deed ;). Really interesting is that any class can do that,not only the healer like in others mmorpg's. Often happened to be revived in battle, and to return the favor soon after, to the man who put his shoulder in helping me. As more players are involved, the resurrection takes place faster.
On the map, you can find, besides resources, other points of interest such as Vista Points (locations hard to reach, located on the highest peaks of the mountain or under water) places where you can earn points for skill - skill points (here you fight a mob, or complete a riddle, or only manage to get to that location). Skill points can be used in " five talent tree branch " or " Traits ", which is not only that every class is different, but even the same class to be different depending on how you distribute these points. The same happens with the points you use in: Healing Skills, Utility Skills and Elite Skills.
SKILL EDITOR: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/
GW2 motivates you to explore the entire map and even reward you for this. Crafting, exploring, fighting, questing, participation in event sites, even resurecting someone, all contribute to your growth in the level.
Since there is no perfect game, as there is a perfect man, to talk a little about the game minuses. One of the most disturbing aspects is the huge lag in holiday events (Halloween, Christmas,4winds, etc), where you not see the monsters on the map, even if you have a good system and resources ( good graphics card, lot of rams, powerful processor , etc). Another downside is the fact that to use travel points on the map (beam) must pay a fee high enough. A much discussed topic is that at lvl 80, the max lvl content of play is limited and the equipment is modest. I admit that I have not bored yet ! Responsible for this state of affairs are: WvsW , PvP , map completion , all locations JP , dynamic events, and always demanding daily'es and daily achievements (you recieve Laurels
Whole structure of the game includes almost everything you can find in other MMORPGs currently present on the market, but every chapter find many an innovation or good modulation, easy, logical, practical.
I left for the final, the big advantage of GW2: Black Lion Trading Company (cash sop) that does not unbalance anything in terms of gameplay . If you have money you can only look better, if you want , but you can not buy significant advantages.
There are events where you fight huge dragons: Elder Dragons, events which ends, of course, with rewards in experience and items. There is a fantastic interaction with the environment. Everywhere you find different objects or different weapons that you can use in battle (for a limited time). There are weapons that can be summoned for you, weapons that can be used by any other player.
The ArenaNet improve the game through updates and special events for the holidays. Every two week a new content and new achievemnts to compleet.
After a year
New content every week: equipment, dungeons, minies (companions / pets). I think that is a bit much, even for an average player. Ascended equipment (weapons and armor). It can be craft. The achievements offer good rewards. You can change the look of the equipment with the items obtained with these points. They look even better.
Look of the new ascended equipment is increasingly ugly. I suspect the creeators of lack of imagination or tribute to uglyness. Lag at entry in another map / teleport. Arriving on the new map, pass second until you submit, use the skill-bar or inventory or view the enviromental objects. Sometimes these seconds are important.
LOCATIONS (every wp or poi or jumping puzzle and tutorial how to get to each location):
RESURCES (locations of important resources at each node - you must choose the correct server):
EDITOR/SIMULATOR OF TRAITS (depending on the weapon chosen, race; PvE and / or PvP):
DETAILED TUTORIAL ACHIEVEMENTS (missions and new content, even before they appear ;) ):
ITEMS CODES (text codes of weapons, armor, etc - to preview them in text chat):
http://www.gw2db.com/items/weapons (click on item to open)
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